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Swimming Pool Permits
Posted on 2016-07-25

Click here for more information


Visit The Website

Visit one of our 3 locations:

Dunkirk (716) 363-3865 | Jamestown (716) 661-8940 | Mayville (716) 753-4471 

Adult Day & Respite Care

 Dietician & Nurse Consultation

Elder Abuse Prevention & Investigation

Exercise/Wellness Classes

Health & Rx Insurance Counseling

Heating Assistance

In-Home (Personal) Care Services

55+ Employment/Training

Caregiver Assistance

Legal Services

Medical Transportation

Meal Programs

Nursing Home Ombudsman

Senior Safety Tools

Computer Training

Hospital to Home Assistance

Home Repairs & Handicap Adaptation


Do you know about this?
Posted on 2015-02-06

Chautauqua County Office For The Aging  

Keeping Seniors Safe, Healthy and Living Independently!


Independent Energy Efficiency Program
Posted on 2021-10-26


Village of Brocton to Join the Independent Energy Efficiency Program, Inc. (IEEP)


Rebate Forms: (If you are unable to print a form, they are also available at Village Hall for your convenience.)






Brocton, New York – The Brocton Village Board is pleased to announce the passing of a resolution to join the Municipal Electric Utilities Association’s Independent Energy Efficiency Program, Inc. The IEEP was established in 2001 and has invested over $52 million in a variety of commercial, industrial and residential energy efficiency programs designed for New York State’s municipal electric utilities. Currently, thirty-five municipal systems participate in the IEEP program.


Under New York State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, all New Yorkers are charged with aggressive goals including 70% renewable energy by 2030, achieving 100% zero-emission electricity by 2040 and reducing greenhouse gas emissions economy-wide at least 85% by 2050. By offering energy efficiency programs to customers, the Village of Brocton will demonstrate our commitment to energy efficiency and will support the State’s energy and environmental goals.


Energy efficiency programs can reduce costs by reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. All Brocton Electric customers will contribute to the IEEP by paying $1 for every 1,000-kilowatt hours consumed, with an average residential customer paying between $8-$15 per year.


The Village of Brocton and the IEEP and will begin to offer these programs in 2022. The programs will offer awareness, education, and incentives designed to encourage Brocton’s electric customers to install high efficiency lighting and heating systems, increase building insulation levels, and to purchase EnergyStar® labeled appliances, among other offerings.


More information on future programs will be provided in the upcoming months. To learn more about the IEEP, visit the website at

Water Quality Reports
Posted on 2020-05-31

North County Water District

City of Dunkirk

Waterways Trail Map
Posted on 2019-09-06

Informational brochure on Chautauqua waterways. Great resource for kayaking

Waterway Trail Map / Brochure

Properly Managing Yard Waste
Posted on 2019-08-02

Lake Erie Watershed Protection Brochure

Village of Brocton Winter Parking Reminder
Posted on 2018-11-29

As a reminder from November 1st thru April 1st we request no parking on Village roads from the hours of 1:00 AM - 6:00 AM.  Along with this, we ask you please do not park on sidewalks and abide by the municipal parking lot markings, i.e. 24-hour parking, etc. 

Facebook Page
Posted on 2018-09-21

Check out our new Facebook page at or @VOBrocton 

Posted on 2018-05-08

The Village of Brocton would like to thank those who helped organize and those who participated in the Community Cleanup held on May 6, 2018


Attention Village of Brocton Residents
Posted on 2018-04-10

  The Village would like to remind residents in the event of storms causing power outages to please prepare ahead of time if you will be in need of anything that requires electricity such as oxygen.  If you need immediate emergency help, we ask that you please call 911.

Water Test Results
Posted on 2017-06-23

VILLAGE OF BROCTON - 3 Yr, Lead & Copper

Record of Samples

Welcome to the Village of Brocton, NY

The Village of Brocton has been incorporated since 1894. It services include Highway, Water, Sewer and Electric for it's estimated 1500 inhabitants.

line squigglies.jpg

Now Available Xpress-pay - Online Payments

Electric, Water/Sewer, & Taxes

News & Information

Brocton – Portland Water System

34 West Main Street

Brocton, NY 14716

To all water users,


            Beginning January 1, 2025 CBI will no longer be servicing any account in the Village of Brocton or Town of Portland.  All maintenance, meter reading, and billing will be performed by the Brocton – Portland Water System.   Any customer who was set up for auto pay with CBI, has been disconnected from that service as of December 20, 2024.

            The Brocton – Portland Water System is a four-member board, consisting of two members from the Village of Brocton and two members from the Town of Portland.  There will be an open board meeting the third Wednesday of the month starting at 5pm.  This would be the forum for any public concerns about the water system.

           Bills can be paid mailed or in person to the Village of Brocton which includes a drop-box in the front door.  Located at 34 West Main Street Brocton, NY with operating hours of 8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday.  Village residents can pay water – sewer – electric bills together on one check made out to Village of Brocton.  Residents from Town of Portland should make checks out to Brocton – Portland Water System.  Bills may also be paid by credit card online at  Any billing and non-emergency service questions should be directed to the billing clerk, Sue Miller  or (716) 792 – 4160 Ext: 1.  You may also contact Village Clerk/Treasurer, Scott Jagoda or (716) 792-4160 Ext: 2.

            All emergency service-related questions should be directed to Mitchell Magierski or (716) 352- 1246.  Mitchell is a NYSDOH licensed C & D operator with over six years’ experience with our water system.

            We have also included a sheet with the billing cycles, this is the schedule we will adhere to going forward.


                                                                                           Thank You for your patience and cooperation,

                                                                                                    Brocton – Portland Water System Board  

All Brocton Routes


January – February – March Bill 1st week of April

April – May – June Bill 1st week of July

July – August – September Bill 1st week of October

October – November – December Bill 1st week of January


All Portland Routes


February – March – April Bill 1st week of May

May – Jun – July Bill 1st week of August

August – September – October Bill 1st week of November

November – December – January Bill 1st week of February




Legal Notices







Aug. 24, 2024             8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at DPW Shop on Highland Avenue 


Pick-up truck - $15.00/Car Trunk - $5.00/Misc. Items - $1.00-$4.00/Utility Trailer- $15.00 

Any trash will be accepted excluding demolition, refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners! 

TV’S - $10.00 / Computers - $10.00 / Tires - $4.00 car/lt. truck $17.00 large truck / Tractor Tires $30.00 

 Tires up to 19” only/ Tires must be dismounted from rims/Residential tires only 

Please remember that tires will not be accepted or hauled by municipalities from commercial

establishments such as tire shops and junk yards. 





August 21, 2024

This consists of washers, dryers, hot water tanks, stoves, metal cabinets, lawn mowers or any

other metal product that needs to be discarded. 





*First Monday of each month* - April through November 

Residents are asked not to put brush out by the curb side more than 48 hours (weekend before)

prior to pick up day.  Also, brush must be piled on the curb side in an

orderly manner and be no more than 4 feet in length and 6 inches in

diameter.  On this pick up we will take bagged leaves & grass clippings.  We will not pick up

piles of dirt or grass clippings that are piles out by the roadside.   Anyone putting anything else

out by the roadside will be issued a citation and will be made to clean it up themselves.   

On Monday holidays, brush will be picked up on Tuesday. 





July 9, 2024 – Flushing will begin at 7:00 a.m. until finished! 

Please follow all rules and regulations to help our Village be a clean and prosperous

community.  This is your community; Pride in our Community Benefits all Residents. 

In case of an “Emergency” in the Village of Brocton, WDOE Radio Station will broadcast and it

will be published in the Village’s official newspaper, Observer. 

For any questions on these matters, call 716-792-4160. 





                 In the Village of Brocton, both State and Local codes require that no person or organization shall

                 begin to excavate, construct, enlarge, alter, remove, improve, demolish, convert, or change the

                 nature of a building occupancy, repair, install any mechanical equipment, or systems such as

                 plumbing, heating, electrical, fire suppression, or detection system without first having applied

                 for and obtained a building & zoning permit. Other projects such as re-roofing, swimming pools,

                 decks, sheds, fences, and signs also require permits. Property owners are encouraged to contact

                 the Code Enforcement Office at 716-792-9614 Ext: 4 (now located at the Town of Portland

                 office building 87 W. Main Street) before starting any construction project to determine if any

                 permits are required. 







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There have been a lot of questions and concerns lately about the cost of electricity, and we wanted to try and help answer those questions. We are regulated by the NYS Public Service Commission in our Concurrence Tariff which can be found here:



This includes our Purchase Power Adjustment or (PPA) which fluctuates each month based on our costs. Much more information about this is attached.


Additionally, we have updated our bills to provide further information to show how your charges are calculated.


Here is a link to the NYSPSC website which provides valuable resources to assist you including ways to conserve energy and lower your bills. 

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