Regular Board Meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 6:00 PM.
Government Officials and Contact Information
Mayor Craig Miller (716) 792-4160 ext: 3 mayrbroc@stny.rr.com
Deputy Mayor Bryan Woleben (716) 792-4160
Trustee Brandy Smith (716) 792-4160
Trustee Kari Doino (716) 792-4160
Trustee Drew Ransom (716) 792-4160
Clerk / Treasurer Scott Jagoda (716) 792-4160 ext: 2 brocton@stny.rr.com
Deputy Clerk (716) 792-4160
Historian Vacant
Highway Ken Becker (716) 792-4160 highway@town.portland.ny.us
Electric Joe Majkowski (716) 792-4160
Waste Water Treatment Rich Lewis (716) 792-4687 wwtpbrocton@gmail.com
Village Attorney Peter D. Clark
Village Justice Town of Portland Courts (716) 792-9614 ext: 1 towncourt@town.portland.ny.us
Code Enforcement Wendy Spinuzza (716) 792-9614 ext: 4 code@town.portland.ny.us
Dog Control Officer Gloria McCormick (716) 785-1827 dogcontrol@town.portland.ny.us
Planning Board
William Westin (716) 792-9472
William Maher (716) 792-9766
Steve Mawhir (716) 785-5251
Terry Presto (716) 680-2840
Zoning Board of Appeals
Donna Frost (716) 581-3622 dickdonna@hotmail.com
Malinda Marsh (716) 792-4805
Tammy Thompson (859) 492-5035